
Welcome all, come and join me as we sit together in this sacred space. 

I am Dr Danielle Arabena, a descendant of the Meriam Mer people in the Torres Strait.

I am a daughter, a granddaughter, a mother and a wife to my beloved.

I am the keeper of the crossroads between magic* and medicine.

Bringing together my extensive experience as a medical doctor and a shamanic healer, I stand at the crossroads between life, death, birth and rebirth.

Are you feeling the call to connect to your higher self, to spirit and your community?

*the use of the magic is meant to be understood in a cultural context


Be notified of upcoming Events. Workshops and available Healing Sessions.

Your Sacred Health

Gatherings and Workshops

community + learning

Shamanic Healing

Uplifting your Whole Being

physical + mental + emotional + spiritual

Pelvic Floor Care

Uplifting your Whole Being

physical + mental + emotional + spiritual

Kind Words