13 Moons Medical
Menstrual Wellness Consultation
Menstrual Wellness Consultation
I have been enthusiastically researching and developing a holistic way to help treat the negative symptoms of our menstrual cycle and give women instead, the opportunity to optimise their hormone cycles. Through my own shamanic journeys and initiations, I have gained deeper understanding of how to reconnect women to their own innate magic and wisdom of their menstruation.
Having been diagnosed with adenomysis, suffering dreadful pain and heavy bleeds, all I wanted to do at each menstruation was curl up in a bed and move as little as possible to ‘get through’. Although I knew medically what my options were, Spirit started to show me there was something much more to our cycle, something much more than taking a pill or in the extreme case, undergoing a hysterectomy. I am all for medical options and interventions when necessary, but also believe there are holistic approaches that can work in harmony with these medical options.
I began to use my adenomyosis diagnosis as a gateway to journey deeper into unlocking the magic and medicine of our menstrual conditions and intuit methods to improve our menstrual cycle in a much more nourishing, gentle wise-woman way.

- endometriosis or adenomyosis
- polycystic ovary syndrome
- irregular periods
- bad cramps and period pain
- spotting before period flows
- looding and/or clots
- sore breasts and bloating before period
- PMS and mood swings before period
- fatigue and low energy levels before period
OR if you have wanted to understand the innate magic of your menstrual cycle and desire to connect to your Sacred Self at a much deeper level of understanding.
Initial Session
The consultation will include a thorough health history and medical review of your menstrual cycle and any conditions you may have. You will be guided through a deep shamanic journey to understand the magic and teachings of your menstrual cycle. From all of this information, you will be given a personalised management plan to help optimise your menstrual cycle and to step into your own innate magic.
First Session 2 hours
Rebalance and Review Session
The consultation will include a thorough health history and medical review of your menstrual cycle and any conditions you may have. You will be guided through a deep shamanic journey to understand the magic and teachings of your menstrual cycle. From all of this information, you will be given a personalised management plan to help optimise your menstrual cycle and to step into your own innate magic.
Second Session 1.5 hours
You will also receive a complimentary copy of ‘Dr Danielle’s Yoga Nidra Meditones’ album which is a ten-minute guided meditation of meditones for effortless relaxation to reduce stress, PMS and optimise your menstrual hormones… repeatable therapy at its very best!
Ongoing Review Session
Includes a one hour review of your personalised management plan and shamanic work.
Please note, these sessions are only for clients who have completed an initial and a rebalance review. This session must be booked within 6 months of the initial consult.
Third Session 1 hour